I attended college for Air/Condition Refrigeration, Central Heating, Microwave, and Solar education. This involved every aspect from diagnosis and repair/replacement of every known hermetic system used today regarding cooling. All internal circuitry down to the individual component board electronics, diagrams, wiring etc. The required tools used to make diagnosis and repair of these same units were also presented and we were trained on their use and how to use them. To make a very long story short!

One of the first deceptive lies the nation presented to the people of America came to the people as far back as 1992 when fake science was pushed upon the people of this nation and unfortunately the people "bought it" hook line and sinker. Notice I said one of the lies. There was a greater lie pushed as far back as 1977 when the mass media and America and the entire world pushed the lie out to the people of the earth, that the OZONE was disappearing and if humanity didn't do something immediately all human life on earth was at the risk of perishing. This bait too was taken by the "sheeple fish" and swallowed without any proof just because some NUT in science and mentally ill lawmakers at the time pushed this lie with vehement intent.

It was these two "major lies" readily accepted by the population that prompted the 1993 FBI blast in the first World Trade Center bombing. This event was supposed to be and pushed at the time as a training event, however, at the very last minute, those "shadow terrorist" in the FBI who were involved switched the "dummy explosives" with real explosives for the purpose of selling "domestic terrorism" to the people to begin instilling fear into the people. Then came the Oklahoma City Bombing fictitious lie also an FBI operation but blamed upon a pre-chosen scapegoat named Timothy McVeigh who had an actual previous criminal record as being an activist. When this didn't work as they had hoped, the "coup de' Gra" of 9/11 was planned and executed by the FBI and the CIA on American soil, followed up by the Sandy Hook School shooting of which no one was allowed to film or view any of the victims simply because they were children. WHAT A PLAN INDEED!

A projected excuse for pulling off a FALSE FLAG that could never be verified or proved to be a "false flag." Only a demon-possessed mind could come up with such a plan! And come up with it they did, and it too as all of the previous events mentioned were sold to the American people and they bought them as though they were done by others other than deceitful demonic American security personnel i.e. members of the FBI and CIA who were behind these events. Today most Americans live in a constant fear of terrorism on American soil even by what may be their very own neighbors and acquaintances. Their goal has been successful that goal of instilling fear for the purpose of control over you and it's well underway today. You wonder why I believe this I know! Let me try to explain as I speak from both personal experience and training. First, the first lie of 1992 that this government claimed as actual fact but was a complete fabrication, and billions of bucks were made from this single lie alone by the Air/Conditioning/Refrigeration merchants in the industry who sold refrigerators and central A/C units and all associated tools required to install and repair these units all across this nation.

American fake representatives in science and business pushed the lie that A/C hermetic FREON and aerosol propellants were destroying the earths OZONE, and they knew that some of those propellants were simply compressed air in the can that forced the product out of the can so they concentrated on the ONE gaseous product that NOT many people were privy to, that of R-12 FREON used in A/C/R at the time. The new products like CFC-134 had already been developed and were being manufactured at the time in 1992 and being stockpiled in warehouses for future sales, but hey if it isn't broke don't fix it right. So in order to sell a new kind of cooling agent, new kinds of recovery equipment, gauges, manifolds, and tools that are involved in the A/C/R industry the old must be fazed out in the minds of the people. So they came up with the lie that escaped or purposely vented into the atmosphere by let's say an old refrigerator that had been crushed and waited for the landfill, that when it was crushed, or if some tech vented it i.e. R-12 into the atmosphere that it then miraculously rose up into the atmosphere and was contributing to OZONE depletion and it had to stop. So they manufactured new kinds of filtering and recovery systems to recover the FREON. Which was step one!

Here' the problem with their lie. R-12 Freon is a hydrofluorocarbon speaking explicitly of R-12 FREON that is much heavier than atmospheric air that we breathe daily. When R-12 is released into the air it goes DOWN not UP into the atmosphere. In other words, it hugs the ground when released it does NOT rise-up into the atmosphere. This is why it was used in WW-I in the trenches in ("trench gas" warfare.) R-12 when heated to a 1000 degrees F turns into Phosgene gas one of the the gasses used in WW-I and because it hugs the ground was chosen at the time during WW-I as an agent for war concerning battle ground operations against the enemy in the trenches. They even taught this to us when we went through college studying for A/C/R. In 1976-77 when Readers Digest broke the story of the false OZONE depletion over Antarctica, I WAS IN ANTARCTICA at the time and not one scientist there ever spoke of or talked of in the galley during conversations any kind of OZONE danger or depletion. It just wasn't spoken of period! Within the RD article, it was mentioned of at the time of printing that anyone who would be subjected due to mass Solar radiation absorbed under this OZONE hole, they claimed would die prematurely within so many years panicked and called for an explanation of which RD couldn't provide any proof so they retracted their story in the next issue of Readers Digest. That was 43-44 years ago and here I sat today writing this essay. But America bought the lie and billions have been made by the A/C/R industry, Sears, and every retailer of refrigeration equipment sold in this country and around the world.

Then came the "On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. He was about to commit mass murder. This supposedly involved Timothy McVeigh using a truck parked outside of the building filled with Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer, blowing up the building in the Oklahoma City building which contained a daycare center. Now children were brought into the plans of the domestic terrorist. Timothy McVeigh did NOT of himself plan or execute the Oklahoma event. There was more than a truck filled with fertilizer that exploded that day, and Mr. McVeigh was doublecrossed by his handlers. Told that his complicity in the plot would be a new name and a new life in an FBI safe house and a financial future he would never need be concerned about, Timothy McVeigh bought their lie signed between himself and the FBI but wasn't ever planned by the FBI to be honored. I imagine this is how it went down. They told him knowing that he had a criminal record that if he would help them in  "their black ops operation of which they told him nothing of" to him it was merely driving a truck to a specific location and they would expunge his criminal record and set him up for life. What they didn't tell him was that life would be "life in prison" because they knew exactly where he would be after the fact and that's how they arrested him shortly after.

All he had to do was "drive a rental truck" to a designated location and ask no other questions that's all!  Tim said Ok I'll do it! Timothy McVeigh didn't even know what was in the Ryder rental truck that he drove to the building until after the event took place. It was too late for him then as anything he would ever say wouldn't be believed by anyone simply because there were children who perished in the blast. Mr. McVeigh would be seen as a monster and all eyes in the nation would be on him and not on the actual culprits in the event which was the FBI. The very blast itself defied the laws of physics when you look at the after photos of the blast. ALL the debris from the blast was thrown outwards and down in front of the building. (See Photo)

For debris to fall either straight down or outward towards the "pressure blast" is utterly IMPOSSIBLE! It would have to defy the laws of physics to do so and that's IMPOSSIBLE. If you notice the photo and you can see the front and back of the building, and one side, all the debris from the blast is in the front of the building where the supposed Ryder truck was parked. I also might add, there is no "crater" present where the truck supposedly was parked and exploded. Explosives especially dynamite blows downward ad outward when it explodes. This photo shows that the damaged part of the building blew out and down which indicated "dynamite sticks were used" NOT a truck filled with Ammonia Nitrate which was designed only to destroy the truck itself and NOT the building but would appear to the untrained eye that the explosion aftermath was done by the truck exploding. Also, take note, there is none to little debris on the roof of this building. Had a pressure BLAST from the external part of the building which would have been blowing towards the building, there would be all kinds of debris on the roof, yet little to none can be seen. There's a few get this "papers" strown on the ground to the left of the building which can be seen right next to the building itself. These were planted there, as any pressure blast that would come from the front of the building would have blown them towards the back, yet they are right next to the front of the building.

As an experienced blaster, I can tell you that this was a "controlled staged directional BLAST" that did not come from the outside but came from the inside of the building. Therefore Timothy McVeigh could not have participated in this blast other than believing the FBI and driving a truck to a designated place without asking any further questions as to why, or what was within the truck. He didn't have a clue that he was being set up for the fall. Another thing suspicious is that Ammonia Nitrate doesn't act like TNT when it explodes, by that I mean it doesn't blow "Downward and Outward" like TNT. It would be a basically explosive fireball centered in a single spot, in a single area a big fiery BOOM that would send explosive pressure in every known direction known to man except "downward" which explains "no crater" where the truck sat, and would have caused debris to rain down on top of this building, yet there's little to none visible in this photo.

The other side of the coin here is that a blast from within the building itself because of natural physics would indeed BLOW OUTWARD and DOWNWARD and the debris would NOT be on the roof at all which the photo shows. The debris that you do see is all in the front of the building, there is little to none on either side or on the top of this building.

The explosion came from within the building NOT from the outside of the building inward. The debris proved an inside job, an internal blast that took place. The Ryder rental truck was just part of the cover-up story for the FBI who knew that the internal blast would not of itself detonate the truck filled with "Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer" so they planted a detonator on the truck itself to ensure it would explode at the same moment the internal explosions occurred. It was all timed in a way that McVeigh could get away in time thus adding to their narrative that he acted with accomplices and electronically detonated the blast of the truck. Why do I say this? Because I too have been trained in and used explosives myself. I was a "Shoot Blaster" 2300 feet underground in a Copper Mine in Arizona namely at Magma Copper Co. in San Manuel Arizona.

As a trained in school BLASTER using Amogel Nitro Glycerine TNT, Gulf Korbomite, Tovex, and Kinepak powder not to mention Primacord that burns at 90 feet per second. YOU will never convince me that the Oklahoma explosion was caused by a Ryder truck filled with Ammonia Nitrate caused this blast.

It would be very easy for the FBI to pull off this event and blame it on another of which they did. It doesn't matter to a "black ops" operator that children would be involved, everyone in such an "OP" is expendable including those who pull off the operation which is what the Oklahoma City event involved. Americans also bought this lie and the nation was in a frenzy because of it. Domestic terrorists then became the go-to phrase for these events. And after a period of time passed six years later on Sept 11 2001 the "coup-de' gra" mastermind "false flag black op" took place sealing within the minds of American people and the entire world that "Domestic Terrorism" in America had now become a worldwide everyday event, thus opening the way for many future black ops events planned and carried out by the shadow American government players, that could pull off these events at will and never be suspected as perpetrators. Then came the phrase "Conspiracy Theories" as a title plastered on anyone who may question any action they take.

Jesus said to the apostles when they asked Him about the "End of the World" the first words Jesus spoke to them was: Take heed that no man deceive you.


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