If you Believe

That the current viral pandemic called COVID-19 was a freak accident of nature you would be the biggest fool on the planet. There is only one reason this virus was purposely released, yes I said purposely and that was to remove NOT just the American president which is just a single benefit but the American Empire itself. There are forces at work here that the average human being cannot see. What is taking place in 187 different countries on Earth today is NOT a global conspiracy but a global effect of a conspiracy for a specific reason. That reason at it's "root" is to bring about the desires of the Vatican and the United Nations, that of a (global government) of all nations of the Earth. Using a natural "coronavirus" as a weapon even though it's not a lab weaponized virus. Coronavirus is the catalyst for the Popes "Laudato Si" encyclical on Climate Change that America rejected shortly after the election of Donal John Trump whose first official act as the American president was to pull America out of the Paris Climate Accord. The haughty papal prelate in the Vatican didn't like that.

Shortly the retribution of the Vatican instituted the "migration" crisis upon America at its Southern border aided by the Vatican, financed by the Vatican, and helped along their way by Catholic "nuns." When that didn't work to turn the popular opinion of the American people against the American president in which the pope of Rome has a secret hatred for, then came the fake Russian collusion narrative of the 2016 presidential election also a child of the Vatican. When that failed they (the Vatican Curia led by the Pope of Rome began to get desperate and the outright rise of "Impeachment" rose to prominence in the American political system spurned and spawned by the Catholic Speaker of the House "Nancy Pelosi" supported by the Vatican through the Jesuits through their "fake dossier" implemented in American politics over a single phone call to Russia that proved to be false. In the meantime, while the "impeachment debacle" was in full swing the Vatican and the United Nation through the Jesuits searching the world over found little "Greta Thunberg" of Sweeden and groomed her to appear before the world at the United Nations in support of the popes "Laudato Si" on Climate Change. To try to convince the American president to enter back into the Paris Climate Accord. It was the LAST STRAW for the haughty Catholic prelate when neither the American people nor the American president bought into his plan AND THEN! The Bernie Sanders-Alexander Ocasio Cortez socialism push and that fisseled out as well because the American people are not stupid.

Now real desperate desperation had set in and "Jesuit think tanks" set in to pull out all the "stops" regardless of the cost to humanity. Human life means nothing to the Vatican while it claims to be a shepherd over the flock of God. Then rose up the current viral pandemic of the "coronavirus" COVID-19 sure to bring down the American empire financially, and the world at large and all financial institutions which would also bring about the Vatican's "social justice" desired socialism system to advance control over all the World's finances. This is why the pope of Rome is always speaking of "the poor", the poor, and is always ranting about social inequality and the distribution of wealth among the world's societies. Now the current world "death toll" as of today stands at 317,218 which is nothing compared to the 50-100 million martyrs during the Dark Ages period murdered at the hands of the Vatican through the Army of the Jesuits.

The COVID-19 was released upon humanity by and through the Vatican Jesuits to obtain world control over all humanity and (over all) the world's wealth. The fall of the American empire was one of their primary goals and the American president in whom has "butted heads" with the pope of Rome since his election. The devil is called by the Lord "the prince of this world" and it's the prince of this world operating in and through the Vatican and always has been operating through them since before and after the rise of "Papal Rome" who is called the "sea beast" in Revelation 13:1, and America is called the "earth beast" in Revelation 13:11. It's these two beasts in the end times that are completely different yet completely in agreement with each other and BOTH are deceiving the entire world because BOTH are led in the political arena through the dastardly wicked Society of Jesus a.k.a the Jesuits.

The coronavirus is the medium the Vatican is using to remove the American president and the American Constitution of which the first copy ever sent to the Vatican, the pope of the time "ripped it up" and threw it into the trashcan. Rome has never liked nor approved of America because America and its way of life, based on "freedom of conscience" stand against the Vatican's desire to hold sway over the minds of mankind. When Donald Trump became the American president and then was infiltrated by the Evangelical Protestant church which the pope calls "fundamentalist" and convinced him to promote "religious freedoms" the Vatican "steamed with wrath" against America. That's because Rome and the Roman Catholic church wants socialism and total control over humanity. To obtain it they have released the "coronavirus" upon mankind. And it was released FIRST in America NOT China. If you doubt this just compare the active cases today in America [1,529,144] over one and half MILLION cases compared with all the other countries only the most infected stands in the six-digit range and that of no more than [291 thousand which is Russia according to Worldmeters]  around the world. America is in the seven-digit range of infections and growing daily and skyrocketed above Italy after a set time.

No other country is anywhere close to the American infection rate, that because it was released in America first and Americans were walking around infecting each other and didn't even know it was here until it was announced in early December 2019 and by that time a Jesuit was ordered to infect himself was sent to China wearing his "little white collar" to infect China with the virus so it would appear that it originated in China. This was specifically done by the Vatican because "Communism" is also an enemy of the Vatican's goals. If they could convince the world against China of which they are in the process of doing, then the Vatican could kill two birds with a single stone. Eradicate the American empire, turn the world against the communist state with the hopes of eradicating the communist and the Vatican would then come out on top in the political world.

Then after the announcement of the COVID-19 America again was infiltrated by the Jesuits through placing their "little man" before the American people as some sort of "viral expert" in the coronavirus. QUESTION: Since almost every day since the pandemic began it has been said that it's a "new thing" with no treatment and no cure, how then can a little Jesuit trained and educated man called Dr. Fauchi who for the most part for the last 30 years or more had specialized in the viral epidemic of H.I.V. suddenly become an infectious expert on a "New Coronavirus?"

Friends, there are forces at work that you are not aware of and we were warned of this. Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

There is no other more spiritual wickedness more deceitful other than the devil himself than that of the Vatican, and the Church of Rome the 'Sea Beast."

Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.


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