There are dozens of research and pharmaceutical groups working around the clock to develop a vaccination for this novel coronavirus, for which there is no antidote or natural immunity, as is the case with the seasonal flu. 

Australian Researchers Believe They've Found Possible 'Cure' for Coronavirus: 'They've All Done Well' 

A professor from the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical research told that one of the medications given to those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have seen encouraging results so far.

As for the results in Australia, the drugs are already registered and available. They're hoping to do more testing across the country very soon: TAKE NOTE: They DO NOT tell you what those registered available DRUGS are?

"What we want to do at the moment is a large clinical trial across Australia, looking at 50 hospitals, and what we're going to compare is one drug, versus another drug, versus the combination of the two drugs," Prof Paterson said...

"It's the question we all have - we know it's coming now, what is the best way to treat it?"

Keep all the medical researchers in your prayers this week and going forward, as their efforts will no doubt play a key role in how widespread this epidemic becomes.

But, they're NOT telling you that! QUESTION: If the COVID-19 virus has (no vaccine) against it, and it has (NO ANTIVIRAL) treatment against it, how then can anyone be considered (cured OR recovered) and released from containment and from a treatment they claim to have gotten while in the hospital? So far the claim world wide of those who have recovered, I ask again why and how did they recover since the COVID-19 has NO ANTIVIRAL treatment and NO vaccine against it

Someone, no many people in high places are lying to the world population concerning this viral outbreak.

To date, the claim is that 77,981 people worldwide have (recovered). I ask you how can that be since there is NO vaccine or treatment against this virus outbreak? Something smells very fishy to me about the claims of recovery. How I ask can it be possible to recover from a virus that has no vaccine or treatment against it? If it's true that 6,649 people have recovered WHAT WERE THEY TREATED WITH that facilitated their recovery?

The FACT is NO ONE has truly recovered from an untreatable VIRUS! If there were a treatment, then why the SCRAMBLE for a vaccine? WHAT ARE THEY BEING TREATED WITH? If recovery is possible from an antiviral drug, THEN WHY HAVEN'T THEY USED THOSE SAME ANTIVIRALS IN A SALINE SOLUTION to begin vaccination against such a virus? What is truly taking place here? Has anyone really ever recovered? And if the VIRUS can be contracted again (a second time) after a so-called treatment, how then can they then actually say those people have recovered?

Are those who have been hospitalized with the COVID-19, treated with something that NO ONE, NOT ONE individual has brought forward (ANY DRUG NAME OR TREATMENT REGIMINE) as an antiviral treatment or drug, nothing has been said about what those who have been treated and released as (recovered), no mention of any name of any drug used has come to the forefront by anyone. Thus those who have been claimed to have recovered, and in fact are released are still carrying and spreading the VIRUS since there's NO TREATMENT or vaccine against this menace called COVID-19. The name given to the UNKNOWN virus of COVID-19 was determined by the CDC (the Coronavirus of 2019) or the (Coronavirus I.D. 2019) simply shortened to (COVID-19) is where it got its name.

Why hasn't it come out that the treatment for SARS and MERS is being used to treat the COVID-19? You nor I have heard one iota of any specific drug treatment used against the SARS or the MERS has come to the forefront as a treatment for the COVID-19. All there's been that has been put forth to the public is the (washing of the hands, and the personal hygiene, and the avoiding of crowds,) along with the taking care of the most vulnerable amongst us, BUT NOT one fragment of INFORMATION of what those supposedly who have recovered from the COVID-19 of what they have been treated WITH!

WHY hasn't the news media in all the press conferences currently held asked the question of (WHAT HAVE THOSE WHO HAVE SUPPOSEDLY RECOVERED BEEN TREATED WITH?) NOT one single peep from any doctor or CDC official has divulged ANY DRUG REGIMINE used for those who have been released or supposedly recovered from the COVID-19.

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