Rev 13:15-17 And he (the VATICAN acting from Satanic Influence) had power to give life (Temporal but NOT eternal life) unto the image (America) of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. ((YOU will have to comply by law or face death. Publically first, religiously second, physically in the end)) And he ((SATAN through the Catholic Church leadership)) causeth all, ((How many? ALL!)) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The phrase "that no man might buy or sell" is NOT and I say again "IS NOT" soley individual-based as much as it's ((corporately World Wide Economic RESET)) based that affects each individual's ability to "buy and sell" on a personal level.

  • Who today has his Mark? The entire world!
  • Who today has his name? The Catholics and all Protestantism!
  • Who today has his number? ONLY the pope of ROME! But through the System most every practicing Catholic through him i.e. the Pope has his number whether they realize it or not. All of the Protestant world has (his number through his Mark) because they keep the Catholic traditions.

Who today follows the Beast? (ALL the world) Those who are blinded to the prophetic world issues today that is unfolding before their eyes, through the Great Reset. Pay very close attention to this video and glean from it what you can because it's the actual truth in reference to what is taking place the world over. This video couldn't be placed on "youtube" without Google lambasting it and eventually deleting it because it's seen by them as "hate speech" against the Church of Rome and the Biden Administration. It comes from Africa, from a website Google nor youtube has any say in its content. After I post this video to youtube in order to place it here It may be removed immediately, so I suggest you watch it first then read the essay. If it's removed by google just "cut and paste the below URL in to your browser and it will take you to the video in Africa.

The follow up video can be found on youtube as What's Up Prof 49 at the below URL. I will place both in this essay. Both need to be viewed and understood to understand what is taking place today in the stolen presidency, the Covid-19, the American economy, and the disappearing religious freedoms in this country as well as the push for "Catholic Social Justice" and the placing of Sleepy Joe Biden in the Oval Office. 

The WATCHMAN- Religious blog
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