The Present Condition

(If you know personally "any masons, in any rite you would do well to UNKNOW THEM! They are pawns of the Jesuit Order doing the bidding of the Dragon.)

The movements you see today i.e. the LGTBQ+, Antifa, and BLM along with the Muslim Brotherhood, Nation of Islam in America are purposefully planned to be just what they are. It's now a social American Revolution designed to destroy America from within by Americans themselves. America will not be taken physically by another outside country coming in, but by an inside country masonic movement controlled by the Catholic Jesuits fanning out from within to destroy the American culture itself. This is what you're seeing every day and it's all been planned from within and being executed from within America itself. The video herein is a must watch in order to understand what is taking place in America and who is behind it. This video is about 20 years or more old now and was done around the turn of the Millennium.

The professor presenting this video was once a Catholic himself, an Evolutionist University level professor teaching Evolution until God "got hold of him" and then he began researching the causes and effects of the New World Order. He is from and is a native of South Africa so he has a little of an accent and pronounces words a little differently than we in the West. He is German by heritage and speaks German, English, and Africaunce. Remember, this was produced better than 20 years hence but the information he reveals can be seen playing out today in America. The videos title is called "Revolutions, Tyrants, and Wars."

The two systems he is speaking of at the 12-minute time mark concerns the Hegelian Dialectic process which says 'take two opposing forces "one you deem positive or negative", one used as the "thesis" the opposite one used as "antithesis" cause them to "butt heads" to the point that you then get what you want, called the "SYNTHESIS" or the outcome you desire. ORDO-AB-CHAO means "Order out of Chaos" to create the chaos in order to get the ORDER you desire. This is called Hegelian Dialectic principle, it's a JESUIT principle and you can find it in the book written by a Jesuit Secretary-General a.k.a. "the BLACK POPE" at the time the book was written under the "pseudonym" name of Sun Tzu called the Art of War.

Many today in America don't know what America really is. It's not what you have been taught in your formal education. America has always been controlled by her "taskmaster" who sits in the Vatican a.k.a. the Pope of Rome ever since the founding and even before that time. As far back as 1540 the Jesuits were in the New World we call America. America itself is named after the Italian explorer named Vespucci Amerigo dispatched by the Vatican. Amerigo was a Jesuit disguised as an Italian Explorer but was doing the bidding of the Vatican and the Jesuits. The name AMERICA "feminine" is the feminine of "masculine" Amerigo. Even the countries name is named after a Jesuit called Vespucci Amerigo. Therefore, those like the corrupt Jesuit controlled FBI currently investigating the "Three Percenters", the "Proud Boys", the "Oath Keepers" and the "Boogaloo Boys" are all a psrt of the "thesis" the FBI, CIA, DHS, and others are the "antithesis" the ("Three Percenters", the "Proud Boys", the "Oath Keepers" and the "Boogaloo Boys" along with the followers of Trump i.e. the TRUMPERS are the "thesis" and activities of Antifa, BLM, and the LGTBQ+ along with the "socialist" in Congress and those who are calling for socialism is the planned "SYNTHESIS" they i.e. the Jesuits and the Masons desire.

Because of this current formulated by plan "social cataclysm" along with the Covid-19 "lockdowns" is why I can say without any doubt. That America will never be "great" nor has it ever been great. From her inception in 1776 America has been the tool in the hands of the Vatican i.e. the "Image to the Beast" Revelation 13:15. (Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.) If you don't "go along to get along" with the powers that be in America, you will eventually face the death penalty which is exactly what happened to the 35th American president on November 11, 1963 when the Jesuit assassins blew out the brains of John F. Kennedy one of the United States most popular presidents in history. Because of this I can say with confidence that Donald John Trump will never be president again. If he even attempts to run in 2024 he will be taken out by the Jesuits unless he too is controlled by the Vatican of which I believe he is.

He appears to the population that follows him as a favored president just as Kennedy was favored by the population. Two issues Kennedy had announced that he was going to change were as follows.

1. Kennedy was determined to dismantle the C.I.A. 2. Kennedy wanted to return to the Gold Standard thus eliminating the Federal Reserve. Trump hinted that he wanted to do the second and eliminate the Federal Reserve. And this is the reason and why he is not the president today. Since his tenure and since the F.B.I. did absolutely nothing to investigate a false presidency, a stolen election. One of the first things Trump would do if re-elected is that he would dissolve the F.B.I. and that can never happen because the F.B.I. is mostly clandestine Jesuits operating as the nation's top law enforcement entity. For all you EVANGELICALS and TRUMPERS out there who are believing that TRUMP is going to make a comeback in 2024, I have news for you! IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Trump may think he can return in his own mind, but because his intent to build a wall, his intent to mingle Protestantism with politics, his intent of "Making America Great Again" by taking a stand for the people's desires. Stands against the SYNTHESIS of the Masons and the Jesuits. I suspect that should Trump run for and attempt to make a comeback to the presidency, he will not succeed, because now that he's gone they will keep him gone as the door is now open for the eradication completely of American Christianity and the first step in the process has already begun using the COVID-19 closure and lockdowns of the churches and the Christians within America, the self-proclaimed Christian nation. Since Protestantism is just a shadow in America today, and the weenies within Evangelicalism with their CRT (Critical Race Theory) Christianity as a form of religion will disappear, but the devout Christians will not.

It will be these hold-out Christians of the Christian religion that will be killed under Revelation 13:15 because they will NOT conform to the "Image to the Beast" which is America. The American "Image to the Beast" will say through LAWS, that you will do it our way or else. The Christians will say "NO" we will do things "God's Way" and because of this attitude, they will be seen as "social misfits", dissenters, some refusal of vaccines based on their religious beliefs, and disregard the health and welfare of the masses. This is why Biden has already said that in order to be truly patriotic you need to get the "vaccine." Biden, Antifa, BLM, LGTBQ+, ACLU, Nation of Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Masons, and Jesuits are all working in unison tohether to eradicate the Christian religion in America. When Revelation 13:15 states the word "worship" in reference to "the Image to the Beast" America, the worship involved is NOT Christian worship as though Christians bowed down to the nation of America, on no, it's the national religion of America called "Patriotism."

If you're seen in the eyes of the nation and the population as being an "anti-patriot" then all those who see themselves as being patriots will "turn against you" (THESIS) call you a "communist, un-American, and empathizer to America's enemies, not concerned about the health of your brother, friend, neighbor, or even your own family members (ANTI-THESIS) and when the death warrants are signed on you, your own family and neighbors will turn on you and turn you into those who have the guillotines waiting for you. AND YOU WILL JUST ONE NIGHT DISAPPEAR never to be seen or heard from again. The word "worship" has always concerned religion, any religion that has "any god", but specifically for Christianity, it has always been "the God" the true God. Because the word "worship" is used in this verse it implies that the churches in America will play a major role against their own memberships. Many will be betrayed by the church they attend and sold out to the authorities and marked for death. Sound ridiculous? Not if you understand the goal of Satan and his world church called CATHOLICISM!

The following verses of Revelation 13:16-18 speak volumes to those who can see with spiritual eyes and involves more than the one issue of a MARK. They are as follows and I will emphasize in ( ) within the text for your consideration.

Rev 13:16 And he (America the Earth Beast of Revelation 13:11) causeth all, (Everyone the world over, NOT just in America) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: NOW the COMMENT in [ ]

[Let's assume the MARK is not just a MARK but includes a prelude to the MARK and is disguised as a "vaccine" for worldwide implementation of the same. Donald John Trump devised a project called "WARP SPEED" where pharmaceutical industries would fast-track a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus. This idea then of a "war-speed" creation of a vaccine filtered out to the rest of the nations of the earth and China, Russia, Israel, and others "fast-tracked" their own vaccines as well. Now everyone (ALL) "small and great, rich and poor, free and bond" are susceptible to and encouraged to take this vaccine which may or may not contain nanobots. If they contain "nanobots" that can be programmed from the outside for a specific purpose, then if you get the vaccine you are in danger of being mentally manipulated. How might that manipulation take place? Let's suppose you get the vaccine and within it are nanobots that let's say can be programmed like a "microscopic" I.E.D. and it's programmed to travel through your main arteries to your heart valves and stip there, attach itself to the inner wall of your artery and wait for its next command.

You are then one day approached by a mysterious individual you have never before seen nor met. He/she tells you that unless you "go along to get along" and you're presented with a document that you will sign that states the following. You agree to accept the N.W.O. with the One World Leader who is identified as the sitting Pope of Rome over all the Christian churches of Earth, and that you will abide faithful and true to the same and then you take a verbal oath "recorded at the time" and you sign the document with glee. You determine in your own mind that it can't possibly be anything harmful because it involves the world church, and after all isn't the world church of Rome considered a Christian Church? You, are not Catholic, but they tell you that you can continue your chosen Christian denomination, you don't have to convert to Catholocism if you so choose.

What they don't tell you, the hidden motive. Let's say you refuse to sign this document and you refuse to take any oath verbally. It is then that they reveal to you that because you are a vaccinated Covid-19 individual you have within your body a "nanobot" programmable capable of travel to your heart or brain on command and "explode" at a designated place of their choosing if you refuse to sign and take the oath. WHAT WOULD YOUR DO? WHAT COULD YOU DO? If you refused to sign and take the oath which would then "bind you with the acceptance of the Mark fo the Beast", the stranger smiles, say's thank you Mr. or Mrs, or Ms so-in-so shakes your hand and you don't hear from or see the mysterious individual anymore.

Then one day it's a beautiful sunny day, you're watering the flowers in the front yard and all of the sudden you "drop as dead as a cold rock." The paramedics arrive and rush your body to the morgue where you were determined to have died from a massive heart attack or a brain aneurism and no one is the wiser. The nanobot no longer exists, you're as dead as dead can be, and life goes on. I realize this scenario seems to be extreme but is it really? With today's technology and because I'm a college-trained A+ Certified Computer technician in both hardware and software, I can tell you it is very, highly, possible that this could be done through something as simple as getting a vaccine laden nanobot injection for any reason. Therefore, ALL "small and great, rich and poor, free and bond" are susceptible to accepting the Mark of the Beast through a vaccine, even though the vaccine itself is NOT the MARK itself, but can be used to promote, and enforce the acceptance of the MARK "IF YOU WANT TO LIVE".]

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

[The coming of the now talked of "Vaccine Passport" will do many things besides proving that you have taken the COVID-19 vaccine. Without this "vaccine passport" because of the now implemented "Covid-19" rules to keep socially distant, practice handwashing, and keep your distance in public, wear a mask is in some states "mandated" in others not so much. This coming vaccine passport will determine if you can be in a public gathering, be it a restaurant, theater, shopping mall, grocery store, bowling alley, lumber company, drug store, or any other public place. There is even some talk now of you not even being allowed to leave your home unless you have the vaccine passport. This is just one way that you will not be able to "buy or sell " the one single aspect of the MARK.

Then we consider the "name" of the beast. What's in a name? For the Hebrews, it was their character. Their given name represented their characters. For the beast, his name represents his character as well. The character of the beast is "authority and control" does this sound a little like today's politicians in the states? To control your movements, restrict your worship, control your every movement all in the name of Covid-19. There's coming a time in the near future that your ability to even step outside of your own home will be controlled through the vaccine passport. You can bet your bottom dollar that everyone taking the Covid-19 vaccine is logged and recorded and is in a governmental database as I write this essay.]

[Now let's consider the "number of his name!" The number is specified as 6-6-6. This does NOT necessarily mean "six hundred (600) threescore (60) and six (6). It's a symbolic number NOT a literal number. The first (6) identifies humanity since Adam was created by God on the sixth (6) day. The second (6) identifies still mankind, but mankind in its (fallen state) into sin. The third (6) identifies the "man of sin" the "son of perdition" who exalts himself above God sitting in the temple of God i.e. the church showing himself that he is god. I.E. the sitting Pope of Rome. 2Th 2:3,4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and Mat 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. , the son of perdition. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.]

> SIX one (6) Mankind in his unfallen state.

> SIX two (6) Mankind in his fallen state.

> SIX three (6) Fallen Mankind controlled by Satan through his agent on Earth disguised as a Christian Church led by the "man of sin" the "son of perdition" the instrument of Satan himself cloaked in the garb of Christianity leading the world into perdition and spiritual destruction. Thus the number of his name is specified as (666). A man, (6) a fallen man (6) the "man of sin" the "son of perdition" the head of the apostate church on Earth (6).

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

TAKE NOTE: The three sixes are a designation of a "single man" alone, not to men or to a church, but to a man who is leading the End of the World Christian church. The use of the word "his" is masculine and designates again a "man" not a demon, not Satan, but a MAN. There is only ONE WORLD CHURCH denomination on Earth that is led by a single MAN, it's the Roman Catholic Church. I'm not against Catholics, there are many good Christians within the system of Catholicism living up to all the light they have, but they are being duped in the fact that they are taught from birth to refer to a man i.e. a priest as "father so-in-so" and Jesus stated: Mat 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. This is just one aspect of the beast! Another is that they forbid their church leaders to marry a spouse, 1Ti 4:3(a) Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats. Which has led to the untold SIN of pedophilia within their denomination and has been revealed to the public over the last 20 years another revelation of the prophecy of Paul that the "man of sin" i.e. the sitting pope has been revealed as the "man of sin" through his own allowance of sin within their church.

Watch the video above in its entirety and listen to what he says and the quotes he uses. Then ask yourself the question "Do I really want to get the COVID-19 vaccine?" No the vaccine itself is NOT the MARK of the BEAST, that mark has been in place and practiced by Christians for the last 1700 years. Even Martin Luther "the father of the Reformation was an Augustinian MONK, a Ctholic monk and observed and practiced the MARK. What is the MARK? Let's let the Catholic Church reveal it to you and why they instituted it in 321 A.D.

On my birthday in 1923 some 98 years ago announced in as you can see the "Catholic Record" the admitted transference of the day of worship from God's "seventh day" to the "man of sin's" chosen day "First-day SUNDAY" for worship back in 321 A.D. some 1700 years ago. Their claim is their authority as a world Christian Church, and that that church is above the "Word of God" the Bible. This claim is a fulfillment of the first-century prophecy of Paul in 2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. The pope and his church are as they claim themselves "above the bible" greater than or supersedes the Word of God.

What is taking place in America today every day is this JESUIT/MASONIC goal. It's why CHAZ occurred, it's why Portland Oregon is in chaos, it's why the modern media and politics are "biting" each other on a daily basis through the clash of the social cataclysm that we are now experiencing daily. Their GOAL is to destroy American Judeo Christianity using atheist, Antifa, BLM, and every resource at their disposal promoted by and implemented through the Jesuits, Masons using every entity at their disposal which includes the Knights of Malta, of which all state fire departments are members and bears the Maltese Cross in their emblem.

The National Fire Departments

The Knights of Columbia

Most every modern secret society or non-secret society or club are all under the control of the Catholic Church of Rome with their sitting pope on his throne called the "sea beast" in Revelation 13:1 and his institution called the Roman Catholic Church has a MARK and their MARK as stated in the Catholic Record recorded in 9/1/1923 is the worship day called SUNDAY.
Now ask yourself this question. WHO THEN IS THE MOST SUSCEPTIBLE  TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF  THE MARK OF THE BEAST? (Wy) it's everyone who keeps the SUNDAY day of worship "ALL" both great and small, free and bond. Who has already accepted the MARK for their day of worship will easily "go along to get along" when the Roman Catholic Church is the World Church seen as such by every nation on Earth in the New World of things i.e. the New World Order of things.

It's already here friends! The Mark is NOT coming IT'S HERE and has been for centuries, it just not been enforced by law, but that's soon to come upon the entire world. I fear the COVID-19 viral pandemic was introduced for this specific purpose. The soon coming vaccine passport will determine whether you are able to enter the public domain and buy and sell. If you have the vaccine and its passport you're allowed to function somewhat normally. If you do not have the vaccine passport, your every movement will be restricted, and possibly be monitored with an ankle bracelet just as a parolee is when confined to house arrest, and any time you attempt to leave your home, you will see the flashing lights in your rearview mirror on your tail until you succumb to the vaccine, thrown into jail and ultimately killed if you don't comply.

This may sound farfetched to you, but it's a very real possibility in today's world. The power behind the beast is Satan himself the "prince and god of this world" and you will NOT stand against him and live. This is what Jesus meant when He said "Mar 10:21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. The use of the definite article "the" in "take up the cross" is speaking of the same cross Jesus "took up", the Cross of Self Denial to the point of giving your life up to be obedient to God. Many only see the verse that says "his cross" Mat 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. The Cross and his Cross here spoken of are synonymous with the Cross of Christ, the Cross that took His life. This does NOT specify a personal burden as many see "his cross" indicating such a burden. There is only ONE CROSS and it demands the life of the bearer! Having a burden or a cross to bear in some personal affliction, be it health, finances, family or any other venue is NOT the Cross spoken of here.

Friends, the End of the World is coming to a fast close, and only those with eyes wide open and are tuned to the events currently taking place in the world, NOT in their churches will see what's coming down the pike of humanity. Southern General Albert Pike the founder of the Scottish Rire Free Masonry and wrote the book i.e. the Masonic "if you want to call it that" bible called Morals and Dogma has a bronze bust of himself set up in the main Masonic Temple in Washington D.C.
Were you watching and do you remember in 2020 when the radical "cancel culture" were ripping down monuments and statues of American heroes, that not one advance was made upon the Masonic Temple to destroy the above Confederate General's bust? Not one rope or cable was placed on Albert Pikes statue in any attempt to cause any destruction to the "bigoted" Southern General one of the evilest of humanity's members. A known Satan worshiper to those who know Masonery's agenda for the country.

What good does it do to know this information? SO YOU CAN MAKE A RIGHT CHOICE FRIENDS! When the time comes, those who do not know this will accept the Mark of the Beast without question! Satan will sweep millions at the very end of the world into the Lake of Fire and that's the way he likes it.
Now you can watch the video above and learn, you can gaffe it off, you can be aware or you can just see me as some Phanatic Jesus Freak, but you cannot deny the truth! Jesus said: Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. FREE of what? Free of DECEPTION!
ALL of this is the result of the Man of Sin i.e. the Pope of Rome! You see the Vatican doesn't have a standing army. It has the Swiss Guard! In order to control the world the Vatican because of the Protestant Reformation created the Jesuit Order who then created the "Jesuit Inquisition" to combat Protestantism. Since that time the Vatican has used the armies of other nations to accomplish its goals.

As a Vietnam Veteran myself, I have since the war done much research on what took place in Vietnam from 1952 to 1975. The French were the first to go to war with Vietnam from 52-59 and in 1960 America entered the Vietnam war alongside the French. Under the supposed reason of combating the Khmer Rough "Followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea in Cambodia " and Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam from instituting Communism in the South of Vietnam. However, the war was not what it appeared on the surface and before the cameras of the media. The Vietnam war was a war devised by the Vatican, started by the Jesuits to establish Catholocism in both North and South Vietnam. It was a "religious war" not a war to combat communism. 58,000 plus men of America went to their graves believing they were fighting for a just cause. The Jesuits motto is "The means justifies the end" and it took 15 years from 1960-1975 for the United States Armed Forces who was used by the Vatican for the goal of the Vatican.
Today both the North and the South of Vietnam are Catholic.

From the 16th century to the 20th century to today the North of Vietnam has been Catholic, but not so with the South of Vietnam. South Vietnam broke from the North in 1954 and the Vatican saw the break as a problem for Catholocism. Buddism was interfering with Catholicism and the Vatican could have that, so they used the armies of France and the United States to thwart the established Buddhist majority in the South of Vietnam from advancing. From WIKI "

From 1954-75, Vietnam was split into North and South Vietnam. During a 300-day period where the border between the two sides was temporarily open, many North Vietnamese Catholics fled southward out of fear that they would be persecuted by the Viet Minh. In a country where Buddhists were the majority, President Ngô Đình Diệm's policies generated claims of religious bias. As a member of the Catholic minority, he pursued policies which antagonized the Buddhist majority.[neutrality is disputed] The government was biased towards Catholics in public service and military promotions, and the allocation of land, business favors and tax concessions. Diệm once told a high-ranking officer, forgetting the man was from a Buddhist background, "Put your Catholic officers in sensitive places. They can be trusted." Many officers in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam converted to Catholicism to better their prospects. (NOT from any conviction that the Catholics had the actual truth) The distribution of firearms to village self-defense militias intended to repel Việt Cộng guerrillas saw weapons only given to Catholics. Some Catholic priests ran their own private armies, and in some areas[which?] forced conversions, looting, shelling and demolition of pagodas occurred. Some villages converted en masse in order to receive aid or avoid being forcibly resettled by Diệm's regime. The Catholic Church was the largest landowner in the country, and its holdings were exempt from reform and given extra property acquisition rights, while restrictions against Buddhism remained in force. Catholics were also de facto exempt from the corvée labor that the government obliged all citizens to perform; U.S. aid was disproportionately distributed to Catholic majority villages. In 1959, Diem dedicated his country to the Virgin Mary.

[My Comment] The next year in 1960 America formally entered the Vietnam war to enforce Catholocism was firmly established in the South of Vietnam and to weed out the Buddhists that were left. The Vietnam war was a "Religious War" one the Vatican desired.

The white and gold "Vatican flag" was regularly flown at all major public events in South Vietnam. The newly constructed Huế and Đà Lạt universities were placed under Catholic authority to foster a Catholic-influenced academic environment.

In May 1963, in the central city of Huế, where Diệm's elder brother Pierre Martin Ngô Đình Thục was archbishop, Buddhists were prohibited from displaying the Buddhist flag during the sacred Buddhist Vesak celebrations. A few days earlier, Catholics were encouraged to fly religious - papal - flags at the celebration in honour of Thục's anniversary as bishop. Both actions technically violated a rarely-enforced law which prohibited the flying of any flag other than the national one, but only the Buddhist flags were prohibited in practice. This prompted a protest against the government, which was violently suppressed by Diệm's forces, resulting in the killing of nine civilians. This in turn led to a mass campaign against Diệm's government during what became known as the Buddhist crisis. Diệm was later deposed and assassinated on 2 November 1963. {END WIKI}

Twenty (20) days later John F. Kennedy the sitting American president who had threatened to "Pull America" out of the Vietnam war was also "assassinated" in Dallas Texas on November 22nd 1963.

The Vietnam war then continued officially for another dozen (12) years to 1975 to ensure Catholocism had been firmly established in the South of Vietnam.

Many thousands died in the War in Vietnam believing they were fighting against Communism in defense of the Nation when the nation of America was many thousands of miles away. This is the deception of the serpent called the Vatican with its Pope under the real Serpent's control. They died as "cannon fodder" and no other reason at the hands of the Pope of that time Pope John the XXIII, 1958-1963 then pope Paul the VI 1963-1978. Then came Pope John Paul I who only lasted 33 days before he was given the poison HEMLOCK cup and turned toes up for reasons only the Vatican and the Jesuits are privy to. After that John Paul II rose up to create an alliance with America called at the time of Reagan the "Holy Alliance" on the cover of Time magazine in 1992. This fulfilled Revelation 13:15 "And he (the Pope of Rome) had power (Through Satan) to give life unto the image of the beast, (America) that the image of the beast (America) should both speak, (Speak like the sea beast) and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

QUESTION: If Communism has met its "demise" as this lie tells you, then why does Communism still exists? Isn't the Chinese nation Communist? Aren't the North Koreans Communist? Isn't North Vietnam still Communist? YES! To all the above. The very cover of Time is a lie and was done to mislead you just as everything the Vatican does is for deception to be presented to the world.

The sea beast and the earth beast joined hands to begin the "End of the world" events that are just now materializing before your very eyes. The coming "coup de' gra" will be the implementation of the MARK worldwide by and through legislation i.e. by law. Are you READY?


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