What YOU don't REALIZE


Or what you have not thought of is what's coming to society in America. Today there has been reported due to the Covid-19 national shutdown that 43 million people in all 50 states have filed for unemployment benefits. Some of those people will be denied for different reasons. Eventually, those benefits given will run out state by state. When this happens and people can no longer buy food to feed their children, nor clothes for their backs, what do you think American society will do? Will it continue or will social, civil, local and state governments eventually collapse into even more anarchy than what we currently are witnessing due to not having benefits to send to people. What do you think society is going to be like then?

Will the Feds print more FIAT money in their attempt to thwart total chaos in this country? If so it will be a never-ending process and the America we now know which is already experiencing the forerunner of total and complete chaos will cease to be America as social breakdown takes over in NOT just the cities but everywhere across the land in every suburban, rural, city, and state area in the country as people become desperate to survive. I don't watch such garbage as "zombie movies" first of all because there is no such thing as a zombie, but Hollywood in America has so instilled within the minds of the younger generations, that combating such a fictitious entity, that many when society breaks down will be a "mimic of the very zombies" they have seen on the big screen.

It will be a "kill or be killed" law of the jungle when American society becomes what I fear it will become if the American economic machine doesn't open back up and soon. When the state budgets aren't bringing in revenue, when the state unemployment benefits are exhausted, you had better have a plan man. A plan to defend your home and your loved ones from not just one intruder, but from a gang of intruders. Mobs that will run in packs since the old adage "there's strength in numbers" they won't come into your house one, two, or three at a time, they will come in force in droves to take what you have even your life unless you're ready when they come. I have been searching online recently for a 12 gage self-defense shotgun of my choice. Friend's they cannot be found except for hunting guns and rifles.

Many list on their gun websites list either "out of stock" or "no longer available it's the same with the 00 Buckshot shells they are as scarce as chicken teeth." This tells me that a vast amount of American citizens are "arming themselves" because they already know what I'm telling you here. Unless the criminal Democratic politicians open up this country again soon, it's going to become another national "Ruby Ridge" standoff but not between civilians and local or federal law enforcement agencies, but it's going to be a "kill or be killed" standoff between neighbor against neighbor. Once society breaks, it is well known that Martial Law will be attempted by the powers that be. This is only going to inflame the chaos, as Martial Law makes void personal rights regarding personal movement from place to place, it makes void the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution taking away (any) and all rights you think you have now.

Unless those greedy for power Democratic and Republican politicians who are holding back the American economic machine open their states and local governments, when the economy collapses America will cease to be America. They are worried about the riots they now see, they haven't seen anything yet. The coming chaos won't be about racism, or police brutality it will be about basic human survival in a country that died. When this happens and I believe it's coming sooner than later, America as America will cease to be America. There are today 330 million Americans, lets say 30 million of those are members of law enforcement. That leaves 300 million citizens "heavily armed" against 30 million law enforcement. How long do you think they will last under that circumstance? The American government right now is "shaking in its boots" fearing national insurrection. If you doubt this go watch this video.

One bad apple in Minneapolis Police Department bushel has spawned what we are seeing today all across the land and even international. Ask yourself this question. How can the death of a single black man in a single state morph into a national and international protesting and rioting? There is only one answer. There's no real justice system in this entire world, it has gone out the back door the world over. There's a lot of people in ALL Law enforcement agencies that are really really worried right now and they are on the brink of collapse and they know it and their getting desperate as the video above reveals. This nation is truly on the brink of NOT a civil war like that occurred in 1860-65, oh no the country is on the verge of a "social national war" and when it breaks, it's not going to be against law enforcement, it's going to be "every man for him/her self for survival. This may be the time spoken of by Daniel the prophet when he said "there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time" take note it's a time of trouble involving whole nations. Since there was a nation, the prophet said.

Something to consider indeed and the COVID-19, the liberal left and politicians keep the American economy closed. As the money runs out and children began to cry for food, people are going to take matters into their own hands to feed themselves any way they can. It's a basic human "survival" instinct folks. The FEDS don't have a clue to reality, and the American people know it. What the AG said about the 100 Marshalls was the wrong thing to say.


[You have been WARNED!]

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