America Beyond any RETURN!


Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.


There is "No Hope" under a thousand Donald J. Trumps going to make America anywhere close to being "great again" it's just not going to happen friends. Mankind has so degraded socially, politically, religiously, economically, culturally, and in every other "ly" that you can think of and there's no turning back to what once was, it's just not in the cards folks. Not when you have filthy mouth politicians, and screaming idiots in the streets which is full proof of America's decline. Recently Sarah Palin the X governor of Alaska stood before cameras and spoke of Donald Trumps "balls" not literally but figuratively while invoking the name of the Lord, and these delusional evangelicals believe they are (good obedient Christians), and if that were remotely so then where does that place the rest of America's people?

I have little to "no respect" for either one of these individuals and yet I'm NOT for or against either as that wouldn't be a Christian attitude either, but I at the same time know that neither of these individuals can be trusted to have the best interest of America's people at heart.

Then you have idiots like this in the streets of America, screaming at the top of their lungs to "murder infants in the womb" all because of their desired ideologies of abortion. This young girl because of her stupidity probably won't live much longer as she contracts "throat cancer" from her activism stupidity. Listen as she screams "We Love Killing Babies", how do you think God see's such ignorance? How it must pain and grieve Him to see a girl barely in puberty acting like such a moron. This is "utter demonic possession" on display before the world, but the world won't recognize it for what it is, they will just see it as a mentally retarded wanna-be woman acting out.

Then we have in America a leader who is both very deceitful and a liar to boot, claiming to be a good Catholic recently signing an E.O. to try and thwart the Highest Court in the nation. Do you think that maybe our culture on this planet has come full circle from Noah's day and once again "warrants total destruction" before God, and if so where does that leave the "MAGA" movement?

The guy over Biden's left shoulder, it's all he can do to keep from busting out in audible laughfter, and Kamala don't dare correct her boss either. With leadership like this only a "fool" would believe that America is going to ba anything other than what she is today which is a failed "state". No incoming president in 2024 can change what has already been done to this nation. In my lifetime I reminisce about the late 50's and early 60's when there was still some small hope for the nation, but since the early 70's that went out the door never to return. Since that time America has been progressively deteriorating in every social, political, religious, cultural, and economic disaster known to modern man. Here are three young women, senseless women who for a $1.75 destroyed a fry restaurant in New York this past week. They felt the charge was unjustifiable and went berserk because they're "black" and they can.<br>

Do you think America is going to be Great Again? If so you're PART OF THE PROBLEM and not the solution. With antics like these attempted murders almost taking place on a daily and sometimes now hourly basis, what part of MAGA do you still believe in friends?

Leftist pro-abortion protesters still haven't accepted the Supreme Court's ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow individual states to regulate abortion, and are continuing to try and make life a living hell for the high court's Republican-appointed justices.

That includes Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was forced to exit a popular Washington D.C. steakhouse through the back door earlier this week after a mob of pro-abortion protesters showed up to harass him outside the front of the restaurant, the Daily Caller reported.

Kavanaugh was unharmed during the incident, but what occurred is still rather concerning given that it was only a few weeks ago that a would-be assassin was arrested outside his home and he and his fellow GOP-appointed jurists continue to be harassed and threatened by mobs of protesters outside their own homes.

Kavanaugh targeted at a restaurant by protesters

The spontaneous protest against Justice Kavanaugh occurred Wednesday night when a leftist protest group, ShutDownDC, learned that Kavanaugh was dining at Morton's Steakhouse and rapidly organized a mob of protests to demand that he be kicked out and harangued him from outside the restaurant.

According to Politico's Daniel Lippman, Kavanaugh himself never actually heard or saw the mob of protesters and was able to finish his dinner in peace, though his security detail hustled him out the back before dessert in order to dodge the angry mob out front.

In response to what happened, a spokesperson for Morton's said in a statement, "Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton's restaurant."

"Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner. There is a time and place for everything. Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency," the statement added.

Leftists go after restaurant for defending Kavanaugh

That response from Morton's didn't go over well at all with the protesters, and the restaurant chain itself soon came under attack by pro-abortion activists who, with some coordination and promotion in a since-deleted tweet thread from leftist activist William LeGate, flooded the restaurant chain with fake reservations and negative reviews.

It didn't take long for Morton's to figure out that scheme, though, and the effort to deluge the restaurants with fake reservations nationwide soon came to a halt after Morton's began to require a credit card hold to guard against no-shows and filed reports about the false reservations with the OpenTable app that was being abused by the protesters.

Politico's Lippman also noted that Yelp also took notice of the "unusual activity" and temporarily disabled the ability of users to post reviews about Morton's D.C. location.

Bounties offered for public sightings of justices for rapid protests

Unfortunately, after that plan to attack Morton's backfired and fell short, the leftist protesters organized by ShutDownDC have once again returned their attention to the GOP-appointed Supreme Court justices and kicked things up a notch by essentially offering bounties for information that will lead to future protests against them in public locations, according to the Washington Examiner.

A tweet from the group offered $50 to anybody who spotted one of the justices in public and $200 if they were still there 30 minutes later when protesters arrived, and specifically placed those bounties on the heads of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh.

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