

Donald John Trump was NOT chosen by God period! He was allowed by God to be president to fulfill God's ULTIMATE WILL for this nation's fall as decreed by God Himself, but that holding of the office does NOT constitute being "chosen by God!" Only the delusional evangelicals believe such nonsense. This verse: Dan 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding. Daniel's phrase of "he removeth kings, and setteth up kings" is Daniel's way of saying the event that befell King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was God establishing the king and then removing him for seven years. The context of the verse is about "king Nebuchadnezzar" of Babylon ALONE.

It is not and does NOT apply to Donald John Trump! As D.J.T. was never considered to be a king. It's the lie of Paula Furr-Knight-White-Cain and all the evangelical's wishful thinking. God did NOT choose Donald Trump as any king, NOR did He choose him to be president, but God allowed him to be president through His "passive and permissive wills." There are three aspects to God's Will. 1. God's "permissive will" which was what God used for Donald John Trump. 2. God's "passive will" also came into play concerning Donald John Trump as did 3. God's "Ultimate Will" for His divine purposes ALONE. ALL THREE aspects of God's WILL were in play at the 2016 election of Donald John Trump, but none of these divine aspects of God's WILL established Donald John Trump as a "chosen of God." Donald John Trump was "ALLOWED" by God to hold the office of president to bring about the current "idolatrous condition" of the evangelical church and its membership.

God's purpose through His Ultimate Will was to allow Donald John Trump to hold the presidency to REVEAL the fallen apostate condition of the Evangelical church in America in an effort to save them if they acknowledge God in truth. Trump's presidency from the beginning was shaped by Paula White the "Trump's god whisperer" and the evangelical church followed suit which was the opposite of God's Ultimate Will thus revealing, in the end, the evangelical church's idol worship of a man in the place of God. All of this is now playing out on Lindell T.V. if your spiritual ears are open. Everyone who appears on Lindell T.V. like B. Howse, S.Bannon, P. Santilli, R. Stone, Senator W. Rogers of Arizona, T. Scott and especially Mike Lindell are all evangelical delusional idol worshipers of a single man named Donald John Trump. Their root goal is to hold the man up as some special "chosen of god" man, a sort of conservative political Messiah who ALONE is only capable of saving America or accomplishing the MAGA mantra.

These people are so delusional they are beyond spiritual hope at this point in 2021. Their goal of making 2020 right first through the courts is going to be a failed effort on their part because they do not know what country they are a part of. They all think it is the America of 1960 when JFK was elected, they couldn't be more wrong. America will NEVER revert back to the pre 2020 nor the 2016 dying American political spirit. It appears at this point that the only evangelical among them that is smart enough to realize it is the previous vice president during the Trump Administration who was Mike Pence who refused to decertify the 2020 election in Trumps favor. Kudos to Mike Pence who had the nerve to make his stand based on the current "truth" of God's word, and his personal convictions to abide by a dead Constitution even though American's as a nationality does NOT yet realize that the American Constitution is no longer a valid document. Which is why the Supreme Court didn't step in to support the fight against election fraud.

Get this in your CRAW, the American republican democratic experiment of the "self-governed" based on the will of the people is OVER, CAPUT, FINEE. America no matter how much political crying over the MSM or social media, with all the tweets and re-tweets is NEVER going to revert to the pre-2020 era under Trump. Trump is a "has been" as far as the presidency of America. Even if he runs in 2024, he will NOT be reinstated to the office, even if he is elected which won't occur because of another FRAUD event. There is a much greater power operating in the world that will prevent his return and it's certainly NOT the evangelical 80+ million delusional voters who worship Trump above the God they claim to worship. The power I speak of that will keep TRUMP out of the Whitehouse NOT one evangelical Christian understands it nor are they privy to it. Why? Because they think they know the issues, the problems, the political direction America must pursue, they don't have a clue to the REAL reality of things operating within what they call "the FIGHT!" My question then is why don't some evangelicals explain just what that "fight is" if they can?

NOT a single evangelical Christian can give an answer because they are in total darkness of the real issues operating outside of the church with its membership in America, yet itself is disguised as a Christian church. That disguised Christian church is NOT the evangelical church in any shape or form. The power operating within American Christianity is NOT CHRISTIAN but claims Christianity to operate unseen by those evangelicals who claim to be Christian. No Protestant church in America regardless of their names, denominations, doctrines or locations in any state are Christian churches. I can claim to be a NINJA, but without the training, it's just a CLAIM and nothing more, it's the same with the American Christian religion and their churches. They simply don't have the knowledge or training in the word of God to be real Christian churches practicing the Christian religion. ALL of them are in apostasy against God and they know it not.

Should TRUMP run in 2024 and even win the election legitimately, he will NOT live long enough to move back into the Whitehouse let alone the Oval Office as president. The powers operating in the shadows are in every form of politics, religion, society, and culture and they will NOT allow the fake "chosen one" to regain the presidency. TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS THIS! Although those on Lindell T.V. who speak about fraud and election integrity know of the push to defund the police, the woke FBI, the deep state NSA, DHS, HHS, IRS, and the woke banking systems, they are not intelligent enough to realize that what they are or what they think they are standing against is just some 'election fraud" they are NOT smart enough to take into consideration all the other political governmental established "deep state" operatives in government, religion, education, politics, federal, local, and state level. Nor do they consider what political condition let alone 'spiritual condition" this nation is actually in. They rant about the problems and issues with absolutely no knowledge of what's behind or what is operating in the shadows of which they are blinded.

If JFK, if it were possible to return from the dead, could he be re-established in the Whitehouse and given the full knowledge of the current events that have occurred since November 22, 1963  (the day his brains were blown out) all the way to November 15th 2021, he still couldn't change America nor establish any MAGA delusion in the country. NOT even JFK would have stood before the media as did Donald John Trump and say "I am the chosen one" he had too much respect for God to make such a ridiculous statement. I know those who think that one day America will return and that the MAGA movement will again materialize DON'T want to hear this, that's because they are in darkness so dark that they cannot see any light from above. They think they have the nation's people on their side, but all they have is the nation's evangelical delusional people on their side, and that is NEVER going to be enough to MAGA. As there's no such thing as any MAGA anymore and never was. The very mantra is a delusion!

Oh, you will say "what a pessimist this guy is" but that's only to be expected from a group that is in total spiritual darkness, not to mention political, cultural, educational, and every other deception of which they are not even aware. Talking a good talk doesn't mean a thing if what you're saying is beyond reality. And the reality is that God prophesied 1927 years ago to John the Apostle that the "earth beast" of Revelation 13:11 would begin its rise as a "lamb" but end up "speaking as a dragon. Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. IF YOU CANNOT OR ARE INCAPABLE OF SEEING IN THIS PROPHECY THAT "THE EARTH BEAST IS AMERICA", YOU WILL FOLLOW THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH MEMBERSHIP ALL THE WAY INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE when Jesus returns. You must read, study, and know through prayer the chain of events as seen by God in the rise and fall of world empires as God has decreed them. You must also compare the books of Daniel and Revelation and use them together as one enhances the other, they are sister books in biblical prophecy.

Why did John choose to use the words "he had two horns like a lamb" what do you think John was saying here? What was the only "lamb" did John himself recognize? The answer is "The lamb of God, Jesus Christ who established the apostolic Christian church!" John is telling us that this "earth beast" when it rises as an empire will begin as a Christian empire/nation with two horns. What are the horns? The lamb represents Jesus Christ, the horns represent the two aspects of the governing power of this new nation 1. Political, 2. Spiritual which is why the likes of David Barton exist. The United States John chose to call "another beast" to get the understanding as to why John did so, one must read and study Daniel 7. All previous world empires came up "out of the sea" 1. Babylon, 2. Medo-Persia, 3. Greece, 4. Pagan Rome. No other world empire arose after pagan Rome until 1776 when the United States arose to (after a while) claiming world dominance, and no other nation since that time has risen upon the earth 'out of the earth." What does the "out of the sea" in Revelations 13:1 mean? To get the answer we must understand the word "sea." What is a SEA? It's a large body of water! What are the "waters" in bible prophecy? Let's let the word of God answer that question. Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. The inhabitants of the earth!

Therefore the "sea beast" of Revelation 13:1 arose up to prominence among many "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues" i.e. out of the Old World we call pre and post America Europe, a populated area of this earth. In contrast the "earth beast" i.e. America arose out of the very opposite of the "sea" it rose out of the earth a relatively unpopulated area of the earth and identifies the "earth beast" of Revelations 13:11 as the only nation that fits the prophecy which is the nation of America that began as a lamblike Christian nation, albeit Satan was already here which prompted the Salem Witch trials in New England as America was being established in her original colonies. She would begin as a lamb, but end up "speaking as a dragon" i.e. being the mouthpiece of Satan himself as she declines into the apostate spiritual abyss. Do you see this happening today in America?

The apostate evangelical church and Mike Pence all used 2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. "WHAT ARROGANCE" on their part to think they are "God's people" just because they are members of the evangelical church. It's the same mindset of the Sanhedrin when Jesus came to this world as the Savior of the World.



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